Smart Computer Training Institute

Hyper Text Mark-up Language- html and xhtml basics, Project Preview, linked jokes application, Separating Presentation from content, the six flavors of x html, html standards, html 4.0- transitional, html4.0-frameset, xhtml standards, the html element, tag pairs.

Cascading Style Sheets- Introduction, inline styles, embedded style sheets, conflicting styles, linking external style sheets, w3c css validation service, positioning elements, backgrounds, element dimensions, text flow and the box model, user style sheets, web resources.

Bootstrap- Introduction, A More General Notion of “Parameter, The Bootstrap, Examples, Why Does the Bootstrap Work, why does the boot strap work, A Few Remarks About the Bootstrap, The High-Dimensional Bootstrap, Sub sampling, Finite Sample Methods, The Permutation Test, Conformal Methods.

JavaScript- What is a Programming Language, Server-side vs. Client-side, About JavaScript, A Tour of JavaScript, Objects, Properties and Methods, Assigning Values to Properties, About Comments, Hiding Scripts from Older Browsers, Automatically Redirecting the User, Alert, Prompt and Confirm, Variables and Operators, Comparisons, Conditionals.

J Query- What is j Query, Why learn j-Query, Aspects of the DOM and j Query, The DOM tree, Selecting groups off DOM objects, j Query node identification, j Query Selectors, j Query / DOM comparison, j Query terminology, The j-Query object, Using $ as a wrapper, DOM context identification, Types of DOM nodes.

J Query-Mobile- What does j query Mobile do, data, Pages within pages, age transitions, buttons, icons & more, grouped buttons, lists, list code- sample, lists, part deux, themes, teeming tools, meta, tabs, icons in numbers, custom icons, fixed toolbars, persistent footer navigation bar, html 5 inputs.

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